cheap solar panelAmong the various solar panels available, photovoltaic solar panels are becoming the most popular. As the name suggests these generate electricity by using light as the source. Because of their efficiency these panels are becoming well known. Providing the domestic electric power makes the solar energy best of all renewable sources. Definitely, these solar panels help you in saving money. It not only decreases the electric power bill but also it is also possible to sell the electricity that has been additionally created by the panels to the grid, and thus get compensated. Though it is a onetime investment it is not so cheap.

Some of the varieties are monocrystal, polycrystal, thin film panels and so on. Monocrystaline as the name suggests makes use of as single cell. Though the efficiency when compared with others say polycrystal panels is more, they may not be the best solar panels when it comes to cost. However, a polycrystalline panel uses several small cells together unlike monocrystalline cells. These may be the cheap and best choice of solar panels though they may sometimes be of the similar price when compared with monocrystalline panels. A polycrystalline cell can be made in more than one different ways say via cast polysilicon or string Ribbon silicon.

There are many ways for purchasing cheap solar panel. These include either building one or buying that is used. Both ways are effective as they also help you to gain more knowledge on solar panels. In used solar panels, the performance definitely decreases by 10 to 60% depending on the damage that is present.

Thin film panels is one of the cheap in cost and are also versatile. Even these can be manufactured in less time comparatively. But when compared in efficiency factor with others, these are least efficient due to the high level of impurities present.

With simple carpentry and minimum soldering skills, and of course understanding of the basic wiring helps you make the cheap and best solar panel of your own. Not only this, efforts have been made to decrease the price of solar panels by finding ways to replace the silica that is used in these solar panels which is very expensive. These may be replaced by solaria. Solaria are nothing but the type of solar cells that produces almost 90% of the conventional power while uses only half as much of the silicon. If these become successful, they may be the best solar panels in future.